About Us

The Circle of Love and Light is an outreach of Awakenings Institute, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization devoted to creating a more loving world where the unique gifts that each person brings are honored and nurtured.

Where Awakenings Institute Started

Awakenings Institute was born in California in the 1990's with this dream:

Imagine a world where love is the guiding force,
where the unique gifts that each individual brings receive honor and respect,
where all are nurtured in allowing their gifts to blossom,
to manifest the joy of living in each moment…

Imagine a world where all of nature is also honored,
so all may live in harmony and share an increasingly vibrant
and beautiful environment…

What we imagine we can create, starting in this moment.
This vibrant world will come into being as each of us empowers ourselves
to live the dream now and share it with others.
Playing a part in the creation of this dream is the mission of Awakenings.

In this dream, there is no poverty, because everyone is nurtured and loved. This love also eliminates the focus on fear and separation as we bridge the divisions created by race, creed, and national borders to co-exist together in harmony. The environment synchronously benefits everyone, as people all over the world shift their focus to a more holistic approach that creates balance rather than congesting our home planet with chemicals and toxic fumes.

Increasing our connections with our wholeness, which we may experience as God, the Creator, Source or simply Oneness, brings us closer to making this dream a reality. We have an inherent connection with divine order. As we evolve spiritually, we unite more with our inner wisdom, which, in turn, strengthens our connection with all-that-is. This evolutionary quest is an upward spiral, taking us to higher levels of consciousness and wholeness.

Rainbow of Hearts

Your Hosts

Dr. Jane Mountrose hosts The Circle of Love and Light. Her focus is on creating a safe and sacred space for a vibrant community of heart-centered people who come together to heal, grow, and create a more loving world. Her enlightened approach to thriving in a troubled world helps everyone around her to transform the stressors in their lives, expand their possibilities, and build confidence in a bright future for themselves and the world as a whole. 

Jane, and her husband, Dr. Phillip Mountrose, are EFT and energy healing experts, published authors, success coaches, trainers, holistic ministers, and founding directors of the Awakenings Institute. With a deep understanding of the true power of love, their primary mission is to create a more loving world where everyone and everything can thrive.

In their roles as Ministers of Holistic Healing with Awakenings Institute, Jane and Phillip have devoted more than three decades to developing and implementing a heart-centered approach to personal and spiritual development. They empower readers, students, and clients to release limitations and create more richly fulfilling lives with greater flow, joy, and ease.

to learn more about Awakenings Institute.

Loola Mora is a kind-hearted co-host. She brings to the Circle her experience as a Transformational Wellness Coach, who helps people to connect with their inner wisdom through the body and soul. From there, they can live in balance, achieve happiness, create the lives they desire, and contribute to the creation of a peaceful world.

Loola is a certified Yoga Teacher, Thai Yoga Massage Therapist, Holistic Life Coach, and Spiritual Healer. She is also a professional in Marketing and Advertising, having worked for worldwide brands.

She offers personalized Yoga classes, spiritual healing sessions, life coaching sessions, powerful transformational programs, and Thai Yoga Massage therapy. Loola started her spiritual journey more than 10 years ago, and she is fully committed to her own spiritual growth, along with being passionate about helping others to heal and grow spiritually.

to learn more about Loola.

How You Can Participate

With the creation of a new path and a place of belonging, we can collectively make positive changes in the world. 

Awakenings Institute invites you to join us in realizing your dream of a more loving world by participating in the Circle of Love and Light. Each of us can be part of the change we wish to see, and make the dream a reality.

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
then they seem improbable,
and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”


With the benefit of technology, Awakenings Institute’s spiritual mission reaches individual’s worldwide, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and more. People from almost every continent – North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia – have participated in Awakenings’ programs over the years.

You, too, can make a difference. Wherever you are in the world, you can be part of the change.

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